Open Data Scotland

Creating and sustaining a civic group to demand better open data in Scotland.

<p>Civic society, the developer community, academia and industry in Scotland have been porrly served by the Scottish Government, local authorities and other public bodies in the provision of open data in recent years. A national strategy has failed to deliver on its promises, projects have been short-lived and not sustained. There has been little or no engagement with citizens in how open data could positively impact on their lives. Academia does not regularly use open data in curricular development and delivery.&nbsp;<br /><br />This has stifled innovation, and has inhibited the delivery of social and economic benefits that such provision should provide.&nbsp;<br /><br />Our aims are to</p> <ul> <li>grow a grassroots movement,</li> <li>engage with government to help them to understand demand and to target provision,</li> <li>demand better, and more, open data,</li> <li>demonstrate through doing how open data can be used for innovation,</li> <li>work with academia to build open data into the curriculum at all levels,</li> <li>provide educational opportunities to citizens in how to use tools and data to better understand their local, inform policy, form pressure groups,&nbsp;</li> </ul>

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