MADE Makerspace Barcelona

MADE is a flexible space organized to facilitate co-production and entrepreneurial activities through the development of an open distributed learning community.

MADE is an open space designed to accommodate and provide tools to a community of artists, designers, inventors, entrepreneurs, engineers, makers, fabbers and hackers so they can develop and execute their projects. MADE is a non-profit cultural association owned and operated by our members The objective of MADE is to promote open and participatory community development, learning, peer to peer, co-production and entrepreneurship activities. We strive to incubate knowledge and experiential learning, prototype concepts and ideas for professionals or students and provide facilities to individual or collective DIY projects. We additionally implement a programme of activities around workshops organized and carried out by its members or in coordination with external collaborators. MADE gives mandatory training to its members in the appropriate use of tools and safety measures. Apart from being a centre of localised production, MADE offers products and services to third parties carried out by teams of members in order to generate revenue that will be reinvested in the acquisition of equipment or tools for the community. In conjunction with this, we provide a marketplace for products developed and produced by members of MADE. We are currently developing a system of complementary currency for the internal exchange of services, collaboration, time machines and materials among members and between them and MADE.

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