FabLab Roma - InnovationGym

The InnovationGym is a place for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship: FabLab,Robotic Center,Ideation and Activity Space,Conference room. Phyrtual.org is integrating a crowdfunding facility.

The InnovationGym is a place for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; a place for an education for living in the 21st century, a place to stimulate the civic energies of people, particularly the young. In the InnovationGym you can find: a FabLab, a Robotic Center, an Ideation Space, an Activity Space, a Conference Room and a Workshop room. The FabLab is built in accordance with the instructions of the MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms, and you will find: 3D Printer Sharebot - 3D Printer PowerWASP - Laser Cutter - Plotter - Milling Machine - Pantograph - Sander - Lathe - Drill Press - Welder. The InnovatioGym runs laboratories and workshops open to schools and to the public, as well as demonstration activities and professional courses. The InnovationGym is "phyrtual", seeking to integrate physical and virtual activities. The virtual environment www.phyrtual.org complements the physical activities connecting the InnovationGym community to the world. Phyrtual.org is integrating a crowd funding facility to support projects.

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