FabLab Graz

FabLab Graz at Graz University of Technology encourages the students to invent and prototype not only in the university course “Product Innovation Project”.

FabLab (fabrication laboratory) is a small-scale workshop for digital fabrication, started by MIT. A FabLab is a “maker space” where you can find machines such as a lasercutter, vinyl cutter, CNC milling machine and 3D printer. Moreover, facilities for traditional manufacturing activities such as metalworking, woodworking and electronics prototyping is provided. The Institute for Industrial Management and Innovation Research and the Institute of Production Science and Management at Graz University of Technology have a strong focus on teaching practical skills and applying them creatively. Therefore, these Institutes encourages the students to invent and prototype not only in the lecture “Product Innovation Project”. FabLabs aim to make this equipment available to everyone, not just students of art, design and engineering. Just bring your design idea along!

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