Charm Industrial

Charm’s mission is to return the atmosphere to 280 ppm CO2 profitably.

Charm Industrial is working to produce reliable, cost-competitive hydrogen from biomass. Humanity uses 65 million metric tons of hydrogen annually for ammonia production, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, and other industrial processes. Nearly all of this hydrogen is produced from steam methane reformation, which is reasonably efficient but is responsible for ~2% of all global carbon dioxide emissions. This $130B market is expected to grow to $180B by 2023. Our approach to producing industrial hydrogen is unique, and allows us to deliver carbon-neutral or carbon-negative hydrogen reliably and cost-effectively. To do this we've integrated a specially-chosen biomass crop, tightly coordinated farm operations, and a novel gasification system. Our engineering team is based in San Francisco, with operations in both California and central Louisiana.

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